There are children in most communities that are food insecure.

Many Rely on school food
Their best meals occur durning breakfast and lunch which are provided by their school. During the weekends many children do not have food, or enough food. That is unacceptable.

Over 500 children in Hoover have been identified as food insecure and likely many others that have not been identified.
There are 1 in 4 children in Alabama and 1 in 6 children in Jefferson County that are food insecure.
73,000 children in central Alabama skip meals, do not eat for a whole day or go hungry because there is not enough money to buy food for the household Children who depend upon free or reduced priced meals at school may be at risk of hunger on weekends, holidays, and over summer when schools are closed.
Food insecurity is devastating for children. Not getting proper nutrition impacts a child’s physical and mental health. It’s associated with delayed development, poor academic performance, increased risk of chronic illness and behavioral problems. Children can’t concentrate in class and miss more school days due to illnesses.